VK88 - Alles Uber Atemtechnik
P1/E - Dependence
Silvia - Mata Hari
Tommi Stumpf - Die Stimme Des Herrn
Die Geesunden - Die Gesunden Kommen
Siluetes 61 - Uberrollt
Sprung Aus Den Wolken - Noch Lange Nicht
Holger Czukay - Witches Multiplication Table
Die Todliche Doris - Fliegt Schnell Laut Summend
Borsig - Hiroshima
Die Dominas - Die Wespendomina
[Crazy difficult and time-consuming to pull this track listing together]
[Quite weird to look back and consider where my head was at with my fascination with NDW - this is as obscure and record-collecty as I got. Driven by wanting to go deeper than Krautrock AND Post-Punk. These records are some of my most cherished possesions, partly for being souvenirs of that obsessive headspace. And they're very valuable too. But how often do I dig them out? There's definitely a diminishing return as one strays further and further from the brilliant illumination.]
[I remember visiting The Wire and trying to convince Chris Bohn to let me write an NDW primer - he felt that a recent Einsturzende Neubauten Primer covered it...]
[And a special NDW show I did for Catherine Backhouse for the kosmische show on Resonance FM]
[Catherine Backhouse defintely responsible for inspiring my interest in the first case.]